Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day in Revew - I am a Gleek and Other Stories.

Dayyyyyum!  March is almost over and I have barely blogged! I have my reasons...March is a tough month for me for some reason. It seems like March is just unlucky or ill fated in my life. I have been sad, mad, glad, plaid...not plaid...that's a bad fashion statement. Really, just feeling "BLECH".  Like any typical March, in addition to just feeling less than stellar mentally, something always comes up to rub salt in the wound....This year it seems to be my car. Last week my brakes decided they were going to go...still haven't gotten them fixed.  I am on a fixed income at the moment and shopping around for a private mechanic. I have a matter of days though, so I need to get it done ASAP.

I kind of have been feeling like I just want to be a hermit too. 

In addition there was ONE day in Cleveland where it got above 60...and I have not stopped sneezing since.  It was just enough to get that pollen starting to fly.

I have been busy too, which is a positive. I have big plans.

I have things on my mind too. One of the things that keep me up at night is: "What is the correct pronunciation of Qatar?"  Seriously...everyone says it differently and everyone says they say it right.  Really, watch the news for 10 minutes and you will hear 3 different pronunciations.

Well...I have a confession...

I have replaced by nicotine addiction with an addiction to "Glee".  I am not proud of it, but I am obsessed. I have illegally watched the entire first season online and now working on the 2nd season.  I am officially a "Gleek".
I have a major crush on Puck

I sometimes have to stop myself from singing and dancing about things that happen to me. Like when my brakes started squeaking I wanted to do a dance in the garage around piles of tires wearing coveralls singing "Piece of Shit Car" by Adam Sandler.

When I am walking my dogs during the day I usually want to sing  "Walk This Way" while jumping up on the concrete parking lot fence downtown...all while yelling/singing in my best Steven Tyler voice.

If I write a message to someone on my dating site and they never write back, I go in the bathroom, flip my head over to make my hair stand up, hair spray it, put on my leather jacket and I sing "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benatar while pointing at my laptop.

At night, when I am alone, drinking wine, I put on a long ball gown, smear my mascara and lipstick and sing "All By Myself" in my hairbrush finishing with a dramatic Celine Dion arm raise/fist pump.

Moving on....I may be confessing too much...

Before I close this post out, I would just like to give you all some advice:  If you ever are asked about the word "labiaplasty" by presumably a 13 year old boy on ChaCha ...what ever you do...DON'T LOOK IT UP!  If you want to know what it is, I will spare you the look up and tell you gently...it is a surgical procedure to change the size of a certain part of female anatomy.

All I will say is in general you think the first Google search result is fairly safe to view...unfortunately at times it isn't...and you open the page innocently....and you are given a pictorial view of surgical results...before and after shots.....of something I did not want to see nor ever see again for the rest of my existence on this good Earth. I may be permanently scarred from those 15 seconds.

If I wanted to be a gynecologist, I would have been...


Anonymous said...

Nooooo, not a Gleek!!!!!!!-Meghan

Cletis said...

Perhaps a cheeky gleek.