"308,745,538 Strong"
Census numbers were released today. There are officially 308,745,538 people in the US. The population grew 9.7% over the past decade, but this was a decline from years past. There was a lot a growth in "Red States" it seems, which means some rearranging of Congressional Districts. Are we looking at even more Republicans in Congress over the next few years? Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York, all "Blue States" lost some seats. Even some swing states that have been leaning "Blue", like my own state of Ohio will lose some seats. Hopefully this doesn't spell doom for Democrats and liberals like myself.

"Sticky Situation"
TMZ first reported this today, and it totally made me laugh. Prince Frederic von Anhalt, the husband of actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, or as they call him, "Prince Von A-Hole", had an unfortunate incident when he accidentally glued his eye shut...Yes...,he GLUED his EYE shut! I'm sure this could happen to any of us. (Um...no) It seems as if he was reaching for some eye drops and took some of Zsa Zsa's nail glue instead. Fortunately for A-Hole, a trip to the ER was able to save his sight and though he will look like a pirate for the next two weeks due to a snazzy eye patch, he should make a full recovery.
"Do I Need an Exorcism?"
This is a true story...and a semi-confession. I have been having some very strange dreams the past few weeks. It is slightly concerning to me, but today, it became WAY more concerning. See, the thing is, these are generally normal dreams except for one thing...there is a certain person who is in EVERY SINGLE dream! It is no one I personally know, but for years have certainly detested...a public figure, if you will. As confusing as these dreams are, last night's dream really took the cake. It wasn't the dream itself that was disturbing (except for the fact my "friend" was in it), but what I found when I woke up! I had a huge scratch on my hand when I woke up...and remembered from the dream that I got the same scratch there...from my "friend". See the scratch here:

Now I certainly have thought of all the practical reasons I got this scratch..myself...my dog...someone I know suggested sleep-walking...another friend (a real one, not my dream "friend") suggested a ghost.
If you have been reading my blog, you know I have broken all my nails dog walking (and promptly filed the edges), they are all smooth with no rough edges. That was the first thing I checked. My dog, though she does sleep with me, as of this morning, has rounded tipped nails as well. As for sleep-walking, as far as I know I have never sleep-walked in my life! The ghost situation, as outlandish as it seems, might just make sense, though I have no idea why a ghost would want to harm me.
All I know is in my dream, my "friend" scratched me...I looked down at my hand, in my dream, and saw the scratch...I wake up, in the physical, conscious world and still have the scratch!!! What does it all mean????
Off to find some Neosporin...who knows what kind of nasty diseases I can get from a ghost/dream scratch...
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