In typical Monday fashion, I broke two nails today and one of my headlights is out in my car. I also dealt with a Great Dane/Boxer dog escaping on my watch this afternoon. Luckily she came right back when I called her name. Let's be honest though...the dog weighs more than I do, so what was I supposed to do about it?
"The Man Deserves Medieval Torture"
This ameoba named Phillip Greaves was finally arrested today in Colorado on a warrant from Florida after publishing a book called "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover's Code of Conduct". Now you may remember this from about a month ago when the book was pulled by where he was trying to sell it. If there is any modern day person who deserves Medieval torture like the rack and the pear.
"Shout out to Congress"
Thank you to Congress for passing the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" this weekend. One step closer towards equality for all. A person's sexuality has nothing to do with how well they can serve the country. Though I often can be heard describing the works of Congress as similar to an elementary school play ground, I take it back, (for today only, likely) and thank you for doing something good, decent and letting millions of American's who have been told they cannot reveal their true selves, have a voice.

"What Part of This Plan was Good?"
A Wisconsin postal carrier says he simply wanted to cheer up a woman on his route . She had seemed "stressed out" so he thought he would do something to cheer her up. That sounds like a good gesture, right?
It would have been in most circumstances, actually, but this particular postal worker thought it would be a great idea to deliver her mail while nude...
My first thought on reading this story was "Nude? In Wisconsin? In December?"
Upon further review, the man told police, who obviously were called, that delivering mail while completely naked probably wasn't a good idea....
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