News round up - Sad news, a new vacation destination and a "great" Christmas present for the kiddies...
The Good:
"Miracle in Texas" - My favorite story today! During a high speed chase this morning in Texas, which killed the driver instantly, Police officers discovered a 3 month old baby strapped into her car seat and was hanging upside down in the wreckage. The chase, according to reports, was due to the driver and the baby's father being suspected in a robbery. The baby is hospitalized, but in good health.
I am scraping the bottom of the barrel for "The Good" today...
"Nutrition in Childhood" - President Obama signed a new bill into law today that will expand free school meals for the needy and give the government power to decide what kinds of foods may be sold in schools. That's good right? good nutrition for kids? I can hear the nay-sayers though...government deciding what we eat? I suppose others would put this in "The Bad".
"Good for the Economy" - Busiest day EVER for FedEx! This is great for those who are looking for this exonomic recovery. The majority of the shipments were from on-line retailers. We shall see how this plays out for the standing stores.
Moving on...can't find anything else good...
The Bad:
"Goodbye to Diplomat Richard Holbrooke" - Richard Holbrooke lost the battle today after being admitted to a hospital in DC after falling ill. He was just 69 years old and had worked under the administrations from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama. His latest assignment was fighting the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though Holbrooke was well respected and an outstanding diplomat, he was described as "ruthless", "hard-charging" and Joe Biden is quoted as saying Holbrooke was "the most egotistical bastard I've ever met." Perhaps, however, that is what made him so successful.
"Blizzard 2010" - This could be bad...I can tell you it is definitely cold! Several feet of snow has fallen in the midwest today causing travel delays all over the country. Some vehicles were stranded on the roads for up to 14 hours! Lesson learned from all of this? When there is a travel advisory...LISTEN! Don't go out. I don't know about you, but though I do love my car, I wouldn't want to be in it for 14 hours stranded on the side of the highway! If you still feel the need to travel in blizzards, at least have the smarts to have a blanket and a little food or water in the car.
The Ugly:
Several instances of UGLY today! I would even say these things border on fugly...
"My Next Vacation...or Not" - Ukraine says it will lift restrictions on tourists and allow tours of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 2011. Really? Ukraine... you gotten too much nuclear radiation to the brain, me thinks...
"JWoww Advice Book" - I can proudly say I have never watched "Jersey Shore". I tried once and made it through about 3 minutes before I turned it off. With advice on how to snag a guy, staying "fresh" and how to kick your competition to the curb. My problem with this information is A) JWoww has gone through a few guys since "Jersey Shore" premiered, so she can't be that great at picking up men. B) She looks pretty dirty and "fresh" is not even close to the words I would use to describe her and C) Look what fighting did too Snooki...She had to pick up dog poop!!!
"Coloring Book for Your Stocking" - Saving the best for last...I laughed about this for about 5 minutes after I saw it on tv this morning: For the low price of $4.99 at, you too can own your own Tea Party Coloring Book. Yes...THAT Tea Party...not the Boston one, which in my opinion would be a much better coloring book subject. Descriptions of the book say it teaches your kids about taxes, freedom and self-reliance. I heard the last page is a color-by-number of Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, the Koch brothers and Newt Gingrich camping in Sarah Palin's Alaska...

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