Before I get to that, however, I have to talk about this...

"There’s some rumors going round" - Anyone who knows me, even remotely, knows I am not a fan of the "Tea Party". I thoroughly enjoy making fun of them actually. You can imagine the laughter that ensued in my house today when I saw on CNN that Tea Party princess Christine O'Donnell was being investigated for misusing campaign funds. Seriously...these people make it too easy sometimes. She denies it, of course, but I think/hope there is something there. Just more fodder for me to laugh at. Since she is (ISN'T!) a witch, can't she cook something up in her cauldron to make this go away? Come on Christine...any publicity is good publicity, right? Give it a go next time around and try to keep the ridiculous comments out of it. (Example - "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains."..are you sure it isn't mice brains into humans, Christine?)

"Why I Appreciated, but Never Loved" - 2010 was a strange year for me. In a way, much of the year seemed like a carbon copy of 2009, but as the year has come to a close, I realize it is ending on a higher note than it started on. Here is a rundown of lessons learned, memories made and random thoughts on 2010...
Dear 2010,
Our relationship this year was tumultuous in many ways, but as we prepare to part ways I am blessed and happy to have met you. We have had our differences and had our joys. You were my teacher, my bane and my constant companion.
Lessons learned:
I learned that you can date many men in a year and still be single on New Year's Eve. The laughter of little girls is like medicine for your soul. Friends will come and go, but you find truth when you least expect it. The friends who you thought were true can quickly turn. Friends who were far away are now close. Friends who are far away are family. Weddings can lead to hook-ups and weddings can end a friendship. Sea gulls can attack for no reason. Wrists can be broken and if you don't have insurance you get big bills. Toilet bowl cleaner can dye your hands blue for days. Virginia has a lot of fog. Thinking Google Maps can get you anywhere is a false assumption. Boba tea can become an addiction. Dreams about becoming an Olympic bobsledder can quickly be dashed. A hair cut can change your whole attitude. It can be years since you have lost a loved one, but the pain in your heart can remain. Cell phones can easily fall out of your pocket. Going to Amish country can be fun. You can spend a hot summer with no air conditioning and survive primarily on homemade sno-cones. My mom can put down the Merlot. Moving 500 miles can be the remedy you are looking for. Craigslist can be a lifesaver when you need to get rid of furniture. If you leave your sun roof open, your iPod will get wet in the rain. Rice can dry out a wet iPod. A Rubbermade container can make a good desk in a pinch. It is possible to get sea sick on Lake Erie. Apple picking can change your life. Wild turkeys can scare the crap out of you. Giving your number to a random guy when you are intoxicated can lead to weeks of annoying phone calls. People actually cry at football games when their team loses. Golden Corral is a great place to people watch. Prayer and meditation can center you. You cannot control your dreams at night.
I learned that family is important, your parents can be your friends and spending time with them is precious.
As we come to a close, 2010, I am smiling more, worrying less and enjoying new found talent. If you can pass on a message to 2011, I would appreciate it. Tell 2011 I would like a little more laughter, a little more fun. A hot boyfriend would help too. Give us a better economy, more love, more magic and more happiness. Put my order in for everyone... less hate and less heartache.
I am ready now, 2010. Ready for the new year and the new adventures that await. It's been real...but I am letting you go. Good luck in retirement.
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