Still have my hand scratch, by the way...I also noticed another little cut on my hand too. I may just be paranoid about that one though.
"Chicago Heartbreak" - Really sad story broke this morning. Two Chicago firefighters were killed and 17 injured when a rather routine call turned deadly. According to CNN, in the course of fighting the fire, the firefighters were doing a good deed and looking for any homeless people in the abandoned building that was ablaze. The roof of the building crashed down upon them. This is a heartbreaking tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to their friends and family. Wishing the injured a speedy recovery.
"Congress Out" - The 111th Congress adjourned today for the year. Before leaving, however, they passed the 9/11 first responders health bill. Bravo to them! They also passed the START treaty today. Though I have been known to yell and swear at C-SPAN on occasion, I am a fan of Congress these past few days.

"McMillionaire" - This is awesome! A man who has been unemployed for 18 months won the million dollar prize from the McDonald's Monopoly game! Personally, I am glad someone who is unemployed won....I would have been royally pissed off if some Wall Street trader won the big prize. They can win the free fries.
As for the laughing all day...Huffington Post today put out their take on the end of the world in 2012. As I'm sure you all know, the Mayan Calendar says the world will end on December 21,2012. While I was taking a break from building my bomb shelter this afternoon, I saw the Number 1 reason the world will really end in 2012....Sarah Palin becomes President of the United States. Now this is hilarious on it's own accord, but the REALLY funny thing is I posted this on my Twitter account soon after - Lovin' @HuffingtonPost! Number 1 way the world will end in 2012...Sarah Palin becoming President...You Betcha!
I thought it was funny....
One of my Twitter followers did not....
Sent me a little nasty-gram....
It said...(I am keeping the spelling errors and grammar)
Sarah Palin will be the savior of this county. pEople like you will swallow your words. yo'll see. How dare you say this about Sarah.
This person promptly stopped following me. I have two things to say about this...
1. I feel if someone does and says idiotic things in public they open themselves up to public scrutiny. As an American citizen, I have the right to share my opinion as well. My opinion just happens to be that she is an idiot. I respect your opinion if you think she is the bee's knees, but there is about a 0% chance you will ever hear me change my opinion on this. If you would like to blog and tweet about how wonderful you think she is, go for it. I won't stop you and I won't send you nasty-grams
2. If you are going to present yourself as someone I should pay attention to and possibly share and debate thoughts and ideals, for the love of GOD, at least spell things correctly and use some sort of grammatical structure! It doesn't have to be PhD, academic grammar, but at least conversational grammar. You look like an ignoramus! (Look it up...Webster's Dictionary...Under "I")

On that note...I have to set up my Festivus pole...
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