Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day in Review - "Hearts and Butterflies"

A lot of things going on today in the country. Start of the 112th Congress, shooting at a school in Nebraska, hostages held in Arizona, factory explosion in Tennessee...more dead birds falling from the sky. Insanity....all of this can really bring you down, so when I start feeling down I try to focus on other things. Please note I am definitely not making light of any of these things or saying they don't matter. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am a huge news hound. I am always watching or checking the news, but sometimes it does get depressing. I just want to focus on the lighter side of life today...

Still no word on my parking ticket...I will definitely keep everyone posted!

I received another mystery scratch on my arm...I noticed it when I woke up and felt pain on forearm...I remember the dream...scary stuff. I will really need to figure this out. Anyone know any dream experts? This one is smaller than the one on my hand, but deeper it seems. It hurts more too! I surely could have done it myself this time, but I since it was in my dream, I am going with my ghost/psychosis/dreams coming to life theory.

I took the picture always makes me happy. My mother pointed out she grew the flowers, so I want to give a shout out to her and her green thumb.

"Butterflies and Hearts"

Have you ever thought about toilet paper? Now come on...we all use it. There is not one person reading this that has never used toilet paper in one way or the other. Toilet paper actually got me into a lot of trouble in my high school days when I used it to decorate my friend Abby's house...I still may be banned from entering the property in fact. Though I have snuck in a few times, I can't say that the "TP Incident of 1997" was ever really out of all our minds.

This afternoon I was changing the roll of toilet paper in my bathroom and just happened to notice there were little hearts on the paper. Seriously toilet paper manufacturers? What is the point of hearts on toilet paper!?! Just purely decorative?

You can also see, in my new package of toilet paper, this one is printed with beautiful butterflies and swirls of happiness.

Seriously...when I think of toilet paper, the last thing I personally think about are hearts and butterflies moving around in swirls of happiness. How are hearts and butterflies related to toilet paper? Maybe a better question is how are hearts and butterflies related to going to the bathroom? I get the quilted toilet paper...soft, quilted areas that are supposed to bring comfort during your business. I do not understand hearts and butterflies. Do you have the answer? Please let me know!

UPDATE: We may have an answer on the toilet paper conundrum. An old and good friend of mine, Elisha has suggested this: "Well maybe toilet paper companies are owned by tea partiers. Think about it: hearts, butterflies, etc evoke images of everything good: love, nature, tranquility...And what do you do with it: wipe your a**."

I want to shamelessly plug a few things today too.

I need more Twitter followers! If you are on Twitter, give me a follow! Christamarie123. I am constantly tweeting witty remarks (or totally boring/stupid things depending on your opinion)

I also want to plug this great new website I am helping with. You can join the discussion here:

Also a HUGE thank you to everyone who reads this blog. It has TRIPLED it's readership in the past month. I am very thankful for you all, for all the messages and tweets (even the ones who accuse me of being mean to the Republicans and Tea Party) and the support of everyone. If you want to hear my opinion on anything, let me know! I will write about it!

Also working on a new article that should be published to Yahoo! soon on Green Jobs in Cleveland...the question...are there Green jobs in the rust belt? Yes!

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