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My new best friend |
I would like to dedicate this blog posting to my parents...formally known as Jim and Charlene. See, after my last posting, (about my lack of coordination) my mom, formally known as Charlene, posted a little message that said "You hit a home run on this one. Dad and I were going to name you Tripp". Now this little jab runs deeper than the surface joke of "trip" and "coordination"....it is a direct reference to my mortal enemy Sarah Palin and her son, Tripp. I'll admit...I got it and I laughed at it. But from here on out, my parents, Jim and Charlene, will now be referred to as Sarah and Todd....
In sticking with learning Chinese, I learned a bit about their economy this weekend as well. I stepped on my ear buds for my iPod and needed new ones, so I went on ebay to find a new pair. I bought some on Saturday for 18 cents from China....they will be here by February. So far I have not had to communicate with the seller, but if I do, at least I will know how to say Hello. Ni Hao!
So the workout....Woke up early Saturday with almost zero anxiety. My friend/personal trainer, Laurel had called me the night before and told me what to wear and what to do. Though I was still a little anxious, I felt confident that everything would be just fine....and it was! She showed me several machines, we worked on our legs, backs, and abs. We did some cardio on the steppers, a cool down on the treadmills, then some stretches. I broke a sweat and got my heart rate up to a respectable number. I wasn't panting or extremely tired. I actually felt wonderful, albeit a bit sweaty and smelly by the time we were done.
Seriously...I absolutely loved my time at the gym. We were there almost 3 hours! As I went back to my car I was so pumped! I was smiling and walking on air. I thought "I want to do this every day!" "I can't wait to come back!" In fact, I was even thinking about the pants/t-shirt combo I would wear next time. The absolute best thought that went through my head was "I didn't fall and I didn't embarrass myself...I am like perfection personified".
However, I was only perfection personified and unembarrassed for about 2.5 minutes after that thought though...
As I pulled out of the parking lot, onto the main road, I was still brimming with jubilation and pride. So happy, in fact, I turned the radio on and began to sing at the top of my lungs....Miley Cyrus..."Party in the USA"...as I drove, it seems the urge to dance came over me as well, so I was singing, bouncing, "nodding my head like yeah" and "putting my hands up" (well, one hand up). I was in my own little world. As I got to the "And a Britney song was on" part, I was seriously belting it out...that's when I noticed the two teenage guys in the car next to me....laughing....and dancing...looking and pointing directly at me....so here I am...32 years old, belting Miley, singing about Britney, my hair sweaty and sticking up all over, once again, mortified...so I didn't embarrass myself at the gym, but I did manage to do it eventually. I will take my bow now. Bravo to me!
Let's fast forward to this morning...6:08am EST...alarm goes off...I open my eyes...turn my head...and I feel it...stiffness...pain. Every movement I make....I think my nails and hair even hurt actually. I got out of bed like a 95 year old woman and hobbled into the kitchen. Flipped the coffee on and grabbed the Tylenol. My jubilation is over. Turning my head hurts...laughing hurts...walking hurts...standing up hurts...sitting down hurts...it hurts to walk up and down two flights of stairs every time Chloe needs to go out...it hurts to bend...my abs hurt when I take a deep breath...my ass hurts even while sitting still...I tried to take my laptop to the couch, but it was too much effort to get up...I just kind of flopped off...but then had to get up anyway, since I was now on the floor...at this point, is was about 7:30am...
One hot shower later, some more Tylenol and several hours passing, I feel a lot better. I am still sore, of course, but it is manageable...I still want to go work out...no pain, no gain, right? Let's be honest...the last time I worked out was probably over the summer while playing Wii at my sister's house...I was sore the next day then too actually. I am going to do this though...It can't get worse, right? I want to work out...I just think I will remind my personal trainer that we should stretch both before AND after next time....
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