Saturday, December 31, 2011
Year in Review - Dear 2011 and a Plea to 2012
Dear 2011...
It doesn't seem like it has been a year since you entered my life. I remember when I first found you...I had a childlike naivety that the you and I would have a good relationship yet at the same time, since the horrible break up with 2010, I certainly went into it with some trepidation. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised...
Looking back on my letter to 2010, I put in a note for you remember? I asked you to give us more love in our lives...more laughter...more fun. I was looking for hope in the new year as most people do. What I found was a year like I haven't had in awhile. I can honestly say, for the first time in several years...2011...I will miss you.
I know you must leave. I know I get 365 days with each new year and it is important to me that I use those days in a positive way. Does it always happen that way? No. Does it need to? Nope. Even on the days that may not have been spent in the most productive or positive ways, lessons were learned. That's what it all comes down to, my friend...even in those bad years...where I struggled to find the money to put food on the table (or lack there of, since I didn't really have a table), the months I needed help with my rent, the two years I lived in New York City on unemployment (damn miracle and I still don't know how I did it) hard as it was...the tears I cried...the frustration that enveloped me was all a lesson learned and I wouldn't give it back for anything. Each tear, each scream of aggravation, each worry that wrinkled my all made me who I am today, December 31, 2011.
You weren't there, 2011, so I know you might not understand. Your pal 2010 was...2009 was as well. I wished them good riddance, but you are different. You were a spark of hope...of happiness...of dreams beginning to take shape. You were different than other years I have lived, but different in a good way. Though there were surely times we wish that hadn't happened, they have to happen in order to form us into the people we really are.
2011...good and bad, I am thankful for all the times...the ones that made me laugh, cry, scream and take a deep breath in order to recenter myself. In 2011 I learned that my lifetime dream could actually come true. I learned that I am more than a number.
I learned that working at home isn't always the wonderful thing you think it will be. I learned that people don't really think you have a "real job" if you work at home, but in reality, you work harder than you ever have in your life.
I learned that sometimes the maid of honor can overshadow that bride...and that sometimes the maid of honor is all that you really wanted to be. I learned that weddings are not always the happy occasions they should be for everyone. I also learned that a hat at a wedding can be the star...even if it looks like an octopus on crack.
I learned that justice is not always served and the American justice system is bullshit. I learned that murderers can walk free and innocent men can be put to death.
I learned that the Kardashian's are like a plague to me and that a heterosexual "marriage" of 72 days is preferred in this country (by law) over the chance that same sex couples who have been together for 25 plus years may be able to tie the knot.
I learned that the phrase "in vino veritas" is...well....for real.
I learned that Rebecca Black's "Friday" can make my ears bleed and Adele can make me lose by breath. I learned we can all "move like Jagger" if we try and that Lady Gaga is still pretty damn cool. Brittney still has it, the Decemberists still kill it and Rachael Owens is certainly on my radar.
2011, you gave me a huge surprise that I certainly wasn't expecting. Tomorrow, January 1, 2012 will by my 11 month anniversary of quitting smoking. I have not had a cigarette since February 1st, 2011...and there is still a part of me that can't believe it happened. It wasn't wasn't came to me in a dream and the dream materialized in front of my eyes. I will say, however, that the 20 pounds I put on after quitting smoking was also unexpected and not appreciated. That is one beef that I have with you. I mean, I can still fit into my clothes, but I am not happy. Luckily you also brought me a gym membership that I plan to continue with as soon as I get back home from my little extended Christmas break.
Oh, 2011...the political climate this year was horrible. I can't even believe that the American people have not had an uprising over the idiocy and stupidity that is going on in our government at this time. I am a liberal...I am a proud Democrat...but seriously...every single member of Congress, DEMS and Republicans...they need to be fired. Normal people could NEVER EVER get away with what they get away with in their jobs. I recently read that Michelle Bachmann has an 8% attendance rating as a rep for the poor people of Minnesota...8%????? Are you KIDDING ME???? How is this APPROPRIATE??? (For the Right, I am NOT focusing on Michelle Bachmann because she is a Republican, I am using her because I saw the stats...Dems do it too and it HAS to stop.) Ugh...I can't even talk about it anymore, 2011. taught me that friends can become family and family can become friends. You also taught me that friends can save your life...literally. I learned that at 32 years old, you can still get roofied at the bar...and you can lose your memory for two days, lose your ability to drink white wine and though you can still like hummus, you don't love it with the same fervor you used to.
I learned that when the family you respect pressures you to do something you don't agree with, you will do it anyway. I also learned that even if you do the "right" thing, you get no glory, no promises and no changes. It is also possible to feel like a stranger in your own family. Sometimes things just are not fair, but you deal with it.
I learned that even if you see things in black and white, others don't.
I learned that you can go on a hell of a lot of dates and still be single at the end of the year. I learned that it can be embarrassing to be single with zero prospects. I learned when you give up on love and focus on you, great things can happen. However, it still really sucks when you are the oldest one in your family and all of your cousins are married and having babies. (This is not to say I am not EXTREMELY happy about the good fortune these cousins have found...I love their spouses (and baby and pets....except Princess Jasmine))
I learned that even if a guy is hot, if he is a Pentecostal Republican, he is not the guy for me.
I learned that you can hear your biological clock ticking away if you listen closely enough.
I learned that when your dog wears a sweater, people will make fun of you. Speaking of dogs...2011...seriously? The dog that lived downstairs? What was THAT all about?
I learned that dancing to Britney Spears can mess your feet up for months and listening to Alica Keys still gives me chills. Music matters, no matter what year it is.
I learned that Christmas Ale from Great Lakes Brewery can knock you on your ass very quickly, that a pretzel can break your tooth in a second and sometimes you can find kindred spirits in the strangest places. You can find solace in a photo, your heart can fly away in a moment and you can be self conscious, even among those you consider the closest of friends.
I learned that when I look at the clock, more often than not, it is always 22 past the hour...(what in the HECK is that about???)
Hey, 2011...dreams can come true, or at least be very possible and you can find the strength in yourself if you look heard enough. That was the biggest lesson I learned this year.
For the first time, I am having bittersweet feelings about the New Year. You were good to me, 2011. You give me hope that 2012 will be even better and I love that thought. I will miss you, 2011, believe me...this was a good year and I am thankful for all that you taught me. It is with a heavy heart I say good bye, but looking forward to all year 2012 has to offer.
Dear 2012...
We haven't met, but I know you are on your way. I just wanted to send you a short note and let you know that I was very close with your colleague 2011 and I will miss them. I have a sense that since I see the number 22 all the time, that you will be a good year for me and that this will not be the end of the world like the stupid people who believe the fake Mayan calendar think it will be. I look forward to getting to know you better and I would love if you could do a few things for me. I would love to find my true love. I want to be motivated to write creatively and get a novel going. I have several ideas, and need some focus on one of them. I wish for good health, an easy tooth extraction ( I am TERRIFIED of this), support from my family no matter what path I choose and the continuing good fortune that 2011 brought to me. Bring me good friends, good times, good music, good love and good health, and you too, can get a glowing good bye letter like your friend 2011 received from me. I also want you to bless my new blogging venture, which will be a real and raw site where anyone can share their creative musings. In closing, 2012, lets have a hug, shake a hand and start off on the next 365 days as partners in crime.
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As I have said, you are an asonishingly gifted woman and it is an honor to "know" you. Seriously! 2012 will be a seminal year and, regarding your ticking clock, perhaps a "semenal" one as well. are awesome to me. Thank you...I don't say that to you enough...I also don't say it enough to the meth lab guy across the hall. I am sure I get some kind of contact high.
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