As this could be my final blog post in pre-Armageddon, I would like to urge all of you men and women who have sons to please raise them right. There are too many assholes on this earth. Once again...4th time in a row...2nd guy in a row....yours truly was stood up. Actually, I don't even know if I would call it stood was just a non-communication issue. See, last night I had a I thought. Wednesday I specifically sent a message to this guy that said "Are we still on for tomorrow?" His response: "Yup! Can't wait!". Now maybe I am just an IDIOT, but when I see "Yup! Can't wait!" I expect some sort of positive action or positive result...I do not expect dead air. Dead air, however, is what I got...I texted him again at 11:31 am on Thursday...saying "What's up? What time is good to meet tonight?" Tick tock tick tock goes the response. I then signed onto the dating site I met him on, was I sent him another message on the website saying he was rude, disrespectful and if he can get online he can certainly give me the respect to send a text saying "I can't go" or whatever his pathetic, random excuse was...I'm sure it would have been a lie...
The problem I am having is this: more often than not, guys I meet seem to pull this shit...and they think it is OK. Guess what....It's not OK. It is hurtful, rude, disrespectful, despicable, cowardly and idiotic. I am a grown up. If you don't want to go out with me, I can handle it. I will shake your hand, wish you luck and go along about my day with not so much a regret. However, when you reel me in with e-mails and phone calls and begging me to go out with you, telling me I am attractive and how you think we have so much in common then IGNORE me....I take issue with that...BIG TIME. This is an is not just one guy. Last night...I had a friend had a date...both of us got canceled we went out together. Honestly? I probably had a better time with her than I would have had with that guy.
So once again, I am losing faith in the male species...I really just do not get it. I never had any brothers, just a sister that beat me up like a brother would (She once dragged me across the yard by my hair because I wouldn't go get a basketball in the neighbors yard)...I do have male cousins though, and they were raised right. I could never, ever see them treating anyone like these guys have treated me, my friend and all the other 30 something single women out there. Those men...treat people with respect...all people, not just women. Maybe my Aunt Debi should write a book and sell it to mothers of sons....or I will just take any book and shove it down the throat of the next guy who pulls this shit with me...
Lets talk about Judgment Day. It's supposedly in a matter of hours. At 6:00 pm local time, the Rapture will begin. (This, according to Harold Camping and his whack-a-doo followers.) Seriously...people have wiped out their savings, sold their homes and have nothing because they have spent thousands on advertising the May 21st date. I wonder what they will do on Sunday?
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I was doing some thinking today and in trying to see the silver lining in everything, I came up with these five awesome things about the Rapture. Since 200 million of the roughly 7 billion people on this Earth will magically be taken up to the heavens according to the whack-a-doo's, I think there should be something to look forward to for those of us who are left.
1. Lower gas prices - You know, that whole supply and demand thing...
2. Unemployment rate will plummet - Since 200 million will be taken up to the heavens, think of the job openings that will come out of this.
3. A lot of free stuff - With the people just well....gone..those of us who are left (AKA the "Sinners") will have some fine looting available. At that point, I figure since we know we are going to hell anyway...why not?
4. No more telemarketing or courtesy calls - Though I am on the "Do Not Call" list, I seriously end up reporting a telemarketer at least once a month for calling me.
5. Doomsday survival kits - For $12.99 you can purchase a kit with ear plugs, a can of air, a communion wafer, a shower cap and a Mayan calendar drink coaster. (I don't quite get the shower cap)
I want to add before closing up this post, the Princess Beatrice hat I want so badly has gone up to $102,430.....hey, it's the end of the world...probably a fake bid.
Maybe u should try a different dating site?
I have never been on I dont know for sure.
sometimes (and I know that everybody has an opinion, and u know what they say about them)......sometimes I think it's best to NOT try and find the RIGHT person. I mean...don't try too hard. You get disappointed. Maybe you should do the total opposite and see what happens - as in reverse psychology except reverse relationship behavior. Like seriously try to NOT find someone and be rude and obnoxious to someone you think you may like (or who may like you!)!!! LOL...just now thought of this approach! I think that would be a fun thing to try!!! It can't be any worse than what is happening to you by being honest/direct!!! Right?
Have a good weekend....stay away from boys (creeps!) and dating sites! (and keep your drink covered and in sight at all times!)
I have a theory. Are you using a free dating site or one that requires a monthly fee? I had much better luck when I used a pay site. The guys are more serious about it when they have something invested in it. The free and inexpensive ones attract the casual observer who is just curious vs the person who is serious about finding somebody IMO. Also I found my husband on the day I decided not to renew my subscription. I decided to expand my search by 25 miles just to see. He was the first to pop up. You might also want to have a friend look at your profile. They may spot something scarying the good guys off and attracting the duds. matt and I would be happy to do it if you want a male and female opinion.
Or, you could become a lesbian. Hee Hee Hee
Also, your date rape drug post was widely read. Love Cletis
Believe me Cletis...I have considered it...LOL. I seriously 100% think girls may be worse though!!!! Also I would probably be hard pressed to find a partner who would be willing to have a mostly un-physical relationship!
I am SO glad the date rape drug post has gotten some awareness. I appreciate you posting it so much!
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