Friday night...home alone with my dog who is currently not speaking to me, nor I to her. We got in a fight because she felt it was necessary to bark her little head off when I left to retrieve a package from the office of my apartment building.
Since I have no date (more about dating in a moment, of course) and going out tomorrow for my cousin's bachelorette party, I am trying to relax and watch some "Absolutely Fabulous".
Here is a confession...I am obsessed with British comedies. Now I know many of you know this, but I am an Anglophile and especially "philed" with British comedies, like AbFab. (Oh, damn...I am making up words...I hope I am not channeling Sarah P) I have actually spent several hours the past few weeks watching the entire series "Are You Being Served" on YouTube and finished up my marathon last night with the final two episodes of "Grace & Favour", the spin-off series.
For those of you who don't like Brit comedies...well, I feel sorry for you. I seriously laugh out loud. Though most people know what AbFab is, here is a clip from Are You Being Served. This one alone made me laugh out loud 3 times.
Is anyone wondering what Lobster Bob's is? Let me start this way....I saw the movie "I Dreamed of Africa" and I always felt like it was a catchy title...I was hoping to, at some point in my life, come up with something just as catchy. I haven't yet....but I did dream of Lobster Bob's and want to use it now.
See, Lobster Bob's is a restaurant that isn't really called Lobster Bob's...I only thought it was called Lobster Bob's and it turned into an inside joke that has been around for years with a small group of select people. To be honest, I don't know what the real name of the restaurant is and quite frankly, I don't care. It will always be Lobster Bob's in my heart and soul.
In my dream, I am in Lobster Bob's...and I am meeting with a group of people I don't know, but I am very important to them. They are all gushing over me and I am is loud and smells like..well...a seafood restaurant. I don't know why I am there but I know I am supposed to be there. There are so many people in Lobster Bob's, but at times I see glimpses of people I mom, Abby, Nicole...Bill Clinton is there. He waves we over and I walk over to him like we are best friends. He tells me he has a message from my Nana and she would be there shortly. In the meantime I should find a woman with a blue dress.
Now Lobster Bob's is certainly not a place that is fancy where I would find everyone wearing fancy dresses, but I didn't find anyone wearing a blue dress. (does anyone see the Bill Clinton/Blue Dress connection?) Turns out the person in the blue dress was unknown to me. She was about my age, perhaps a bit older...she said it was a pleasure to meet me and we would meet again soon.
At that point, my Nana came in...holding her purse close, like she always was the first thing I noticed...she came right through the crowd, walked up to me, gave me a hug and asked if I had been watching Nancy Grace...she then said "Keep doing this and I will see you soon". She left...back through the crowd.
I know there was more to the dream, but nothing as vivid as the part I described. It is bothering me because I can't figure it out. I don't know who the "blue dress" woman was (No, it wasn't Monica) and I don't know what "Keep doing this" means. I trust she will be back to explain. Until then, I will just have to wonder....
Maybe it's a date...since my "no chemistry" conversation with the last guy, I admit, things have been pretty quiet. I joined for a weekend freebie which was recommended to me by friend Liz (Check out her blog here: Since I was just there for the weekend, I didn't have a lot of time to meet anyone, but two guys quickly set up communication with me. One of them, I really thought might be a good prospect...we messaged several times on the site and before my weekend freebie ended, I gave him my e-mail address and he promised to e-mail...which he did...
I e-mailed him back....he emailed me back....I e-mailed him back...and never heard from him again...
The other one, I wasn't really sure of, but I wanted to give him a chance...he sent me his number and asked for mine so we could chat on the phone. I did...he never called...
So here I am dear friend Anne suggested I watch "He's Just Not That Into You". She said it would give me insight on the type of guy I should look for.
My fellow blogger Cletis Stump seemed to imply I don't know how to date...I implied to him that he should be my chaperone. (Read "The Book of Cletis") He is hilarious by the way. The other day he tweeted this: "Dreamed I was a Republican last night. Yes, there are things worse than death." I knew I found a kindred spirit.
(As a side note, Republicans are, of course, welcome on my blog and should be active participants. I do not discriminate based on political orientation. I love everyone equally, but I may make fun of your politics behind your back when you aren't looking)
So, still Friday night...still no date...writing a dog isn't speaking to me. I think I will just snuggle up with Eddie and Patsy, get some wine and enjoy.
Quote of the Day - "The only way to deal with a stalker is to cut off his stalk" - "Patsy" from "Absolutely Fabulous"
Are you caught up on Patrice and Stumpy at my place? I think Patrice would be a damn good role model for how to treat these morons who routinely come through your life. Children all and imbeciles to boot. P&S now have their own tab at the top of my blog. You are my favorite in the whols blogosphere!!!
Note: The sign in word is "aulab." Sounds French to me. Is that as in "to the Labrador" goes the spoils?" Chloe will not like this.
I'm down with the stalker comment. It wouldn't violate the "cruel and unusual" provision of the 8th Amendment because we have anesthesia and we would do it routinely so it would certainly not be "unusual."
Arrived here via Cletis's site. My daughter is a big fan of BritComs and Are You Being Served is her favorite. We've watched a lot of episodes (she's gradually collected them all on DVD) and I eventually got hooked too. (And on some other British series as well.) Keep up the great work!
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